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About IMCapital

We are opportunistic in making and exiting investments when the risk/reward profiles are favourable

IMCapital is an investment management and coprporate advisory company focused on investment activities in the MENA region and Turkey ‘MENA-T’. Our principal objective is to deliver superior returns to our investors through a disciplined and value-oriented approach.


Our aim is to support equity investments either as growth capital or acquisition in existing businesses across multiple sectors of the economy. We pay close attention to the cycles that businesses experience and are opportunistic in making and exiting investments when the risk/reward profiles are favourable.

Ancient Architecture

Board of Directors

IMCapital’s Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring the company’s overall strategy, investment and post-acquisition objectives. They have the power and authority to conduct and manage the overall business of the company within a clear and transparent framework that serves the best interests of our shareholders.


The Board is comprised of a diverse group of business leaders with a wealth of experience, excellent reputations and a long track-record of accomplishments across multiple regions and industries.

A clear and transparent framework that serves the best interests of our shareholders
Greek Ancient Sculpture of Warrior


Conducting our business at the highest standards

Our committees ensure we deliver against our commitments and conduct our business to the highest standards.


The Investment Committee is supported by three sub-committees that comprise functional, operational and directional responsibilities and core competencies. Each committee oversees a specific aspect of the company’s activities, by monitoring strategy, investment objectives, legal, risk and compliance, post-acquisition and operations reviews.

Investment Committee


Chaired by Izzat Dajani, Chief Executive and Founding Partner

Oversees IMC's evaluation of contemplated investment and portfolio companies

Acquisition Sub-Committee


Chaired by Majed S. Mansour, Advisory Board Member

Supports the Investment Committee in reviewing and approving acquisition transactions

Risk & Compliance Sub-Committee


Chaired by Alia Rawazik, Advisory Board Member

Oversees IMC's evaluation of contemplated investment and portfolio companies

Oversees IMC's evaluation of contemplated investment and portfolio companies

Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight of risk management and financial reporting

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